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Monteur vidéo réseaux sociaux

Video Editing

Sélim, un passionné avant tout ! J'ai pris goût à faire du montage vidéo en août 2022 en autodidacte après avoir créé ma chaîne Youtube 🖥️ (CBD Slim). j'ai décidé de me former en Juillet 2023 afin de me professionnalisé dans l'école "Vidéo Maestro" dirigé par Alexandre Mériguet (en collaboration avec Révoltrain), certainement l'étape qui va changer ma vie. J'ai effectué des formats comme des reels Instagram (ex. David Brami), TikTok (ex. Cédric Desaintjan), teaser Youtube (ex. Life style - Adam Swift) et contenu Youtube dans cette formation afin de travailler sur ces différents formats. Passionné de vidéos, séries et films depuis l'enfance, le montage vidéo 🎬 est la conclusion d'une passion ☘️ qui s'est créée au fil des années. Ce pouvoir de créativité 🎨, de partage de mes compétences à travers des vidéos captivantes 🌄😱 et pleines d'émotions 🥹 pour le spectateur, c'est ce qui m'anime aujourd'hui ! Je suis là pour vous donner la visibilité que vous méritez sur les réseaux sociaux en sublimant vos projets 🎇. Je pense sincèrement avoir intégrer la meilleure école digitale de montage vidéo aujourd'hui, avec des mentors incroyable, qui nous transmettent leur savoir et les bons codes des réseaux sociaux à connaître. Ce qui me donne une plus value je pense par rapport aux marché des monteurs vidéos, qui est très grand aujourd'hui mais où tout le monde peut se prétendre monteur vidéo sans forcément avoir les bonnes compétences et maitrises recherchés pour être un bon monteur vidéo. Si vous recherchez un monteur vidéo 🧙‍♂️🎥 , vous pouvez voir mon portfolio en lien sur ma page et n'hésitez pas à me contactez dès maintenant afin d'échanger ensemble sur votre projet. Au plaisir de travailler avec vous ! 🙏🤩

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Multi-talented professional providing the support you need to succeed

Channel Management
Creative Direction

For my Masters I concentrated in culture and media studies where I focused on non-traditional ways to tell people's stories. It was there where I fell in love with short form stories told via video and podcasts. At the time I did not see a path forward with creative work, so I continued with my professional life working as a Jill of all trades. Having a knack for working in small companies, I've been able to quickly learn and adapt to new skills as the need arises. From office administration, proposal design and management to business development and personal assisting, I've done it all. During the pandemic I had the opportunity to AD and line produce two short films and I haven't been the same since. I found creating shot lists, breaking down scripts, renting equipment, and managing crew rewarding, even in the most stressful moments. Shortly thereafter I began editing and co-hosting a Dungeons and Dragons podcast, The Dungeon Family. Through this I rediscovered my love for audio and have been overtaken by the desire to combine all of my experience into the next chapter of my life. I love creatively solving challenges as well as supporting others to reach their goals. I would love the opportunity to work with you whether it be with audio editing, researching, production assistance, managing administrative needs, or anything in between. I look forward to hearing from you.

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6+ years in marketing, e-commerce, sales and now transitioning to Youtube

Content Strategy
Thumbnail Design

Let's skip the generic opening lines and dive right into why I believe I can bring exceptional value to you! About Me and My Motivation: To start, I want to emphasize that I'm not your run-of-the-mill candidate. I have spent over six years immersing myself in the dynamic world of marketing, branding, sales, management, and communication. My journey has led me to work with diverse startups, and it's safe to say I'm a self-driven go-getter. I don't just set goals; I craft systems to achieve them. I firmly believe that assembling an "A Team" requires individuals who are not just skilled but self-motivated and goal-oriented. And that's precisely where I shine. My Achievements: In my previous roles, I've achieved remarkable milestones: 1) I've driven revenues into multiple seven figures for several companies, demonstrating my knack for generating impressive results. 2) I successfully secured $5 million in funding from venture capitalists, a testament to my ability to strategize and sell ideas effectively. 3) As a leader, I've guided my teams in crafting market-entry strategies, enabling businesses to thrive in competitive environments. My Personal Interest in Your Success: Beyond my professional accomplishments, I have a personal stake in your success. Recently, I embarked on a journey to establish my own YouTube channel and released my inaugural video. This endeavor is driven by my eagerness to acquire knowledge and experience that can ultimately contribute to creating valuable content. The beauty of this synergy is that when I deliver results for us both, it's not just a win for you—it's a win for me too, as the skills and insights I gain will directly benefit my own passion project. You might wonder if this would make me more self-centered, but I assure you, I think in terms of the long game. I understand that results compound and extend to encompass family, friends, business, and even personal health. Thank you for considering my application.