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Salut ! Je suis Davy, un passionné de la vidéo avec une expertise particulière dans le montage pour YouTube et la capture d'images aériennes grâce à on expérience en télépilotage de drone. Si vous recherchez quelqu'un pour donner vie à vos idées et améliorer la qualité de vos vidéos YouTube, vous êtes au bon endroit.

Motion Design
Video Editing

Bonjour, je suis Davy, vidéaste et télépilote de drone professionnel basé à Toulouse. Depuis plus de 10 ans, je suis passionné par la production vidéo et j’ai développé une expertise dans l’utilisation de drones pour capturer des images uniques et créatives. Mon objectif est de raconter des histoires et de transmettre des messages de manière impactante grâce à mes compétences en matière de prise de vue aérienne et de montage vidéo. J’ai fondé mon entreprise pour mettre mes compétences au service des entreprises et des particuliers en France. Je propose des solutions adaptées à vos besoins pour des occasions spéciales telles que des mariages, des anniversaires ou des événements d’entreprise. Je produis également des formats courts et percutants pour les réseaux sociaux afin de vous aider à captiver votre public cible. En plus de cela, je réalise également des vidéos corporate de type interview ou des vidéos de formation. Je suis capable de m’adapter à toutes les demandes du client. Contactez-moi pour discuter de votre projet et voir comment nous pouvons collaborer ensemble pour créer une vidéo qui répond à vos besoins.

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Video Editor Who's Been Doing It Since He Was 8!

Content Strategy
Thumbnail Design
Video Editing

I started Video Editing When I Was 8. I started my first ever YouTube channel and I downloaded whatever free software I found on YouTube and just started to get to work. I fell in love with it, It was so fun. I then took YouTube more seriously when I was in middle school, I made a channel basically where I would just copy Leafy lol. But the first ever video editing job I did was 16, I took it seriously because I really hated my job and I wanted to find a job that I could actually enjoy. I turned to video editing and made some decent money doing it then I quit because I wanted to pursue my music career. I realize now that video editing is a 100x smarter option then trying to make a career in a underground metal genre. I've recently worked with so many creators that have been so amazing to me, The biggest one being the Korean news channel The K-Hub. They're the biggest channel I've worked with so far. I've learned thumbnail game and after effect game on my journey because some jobs I applied for required me to have those skills so I picked those up quickly. I can help people were most editors cant in the content creation section, I've had videos that have gotten decent views on YouTube and Instagram. Most editors can't say this. I also have audio mixing and mastering skills for when I was in a band, I was trying to become a music producer as well so I started off being the sound guy for my band but I realized I do not want to do that lol.

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editor in specialized Different Content with 5 Years of Experience

Channel Management
Content Strategy
Thumbnail Design
Video Editing

Video Editor | Post-Production Specialist As a creative and technically skilled video editor with 4 years of experience in the industry, I bring a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail to every project. With expertise in non-linear editing, I have collaborated on a range of projects, from corporate promos to music videos. My proficiency in industry-standard software, such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Resolve, allows me to deliver high-quality work that meets the needs of clients and exceeds their expectations. Experience: Video Editor UET Lahore Collaborated with producers, directors, and clients to develop creative concepts and execute on video projects. Conducted thorough pre-production planning, including script analysis and shot selection, to ensure smooth and efficient post-production. Edited footage, audio, and visual effects using industry-standard software, resulting in high-quality deliverables that met client expectations. Managed and organized video assets, including project files, media, and deliverables, to ensure seamless workflow and version control. Maintained a high level of accuracy and attention to detail throughout the editing process, including color grading, sound mixing, and text overlays. Stayed up-to-date with emerging trends and technologies in the field of video editing, incorporating new techniques and tools into my workflow. Freelance Video Editor Collaborated with clients to understand their vision and deliver high-quality video content across a range of genres, including corporate videos, music videos, and short films. Produced and edited video content using Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and DaVinci Resolve, consistently meeting client deadlines and exceeding their expectations. Conducted thorough quality checks and revisions, ensuring that each video project was of the highest standard. Maintained a high level of communication with clients throughout the editing process, providing regular updates and addressing any concerns in a timely and professional manner. Education: Continue Skills: Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe Photoshop References: Available upon request.