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Hello my name is Theresa,
Growing up I was always writing, when I was in the third grade I even got published. School came and went and I learned how to research, cite information, and use the right websites besides just Wikipedia.
I’m proficient in JSTOR and other educational databases. Most of my research comes from college studies but I always backup any information with 2 or more cites.

Here is a quick example

Animal Farm

USI Student Newspaper

Carnegie Mellon University Libraries,call%20to%20overthrow%20organized%20states.

Penn State University Press

George Orwell’s Animal farm is about animals on a farm 🥁 the story Parallels the Russian Revolution in 1945 when the book was written. The main protagonist, Napoleon the pig, convinces the animals to overthrow their farmer to form a democratic society where all animals are equal. But this utopia finds corruption under the dictatorship of Napoleon and he ends up brutally betraying the protagonist Boxer, the horse representing the common man.

Animal farm is one of the most Banned books in the world
Being banned in the Soviet Union, The United States, Cuba, North Korea, The United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and many African countries.
It was banned for challenging communism and communist attitudes instead of just Stalinist communism. It was also banned for being Communist propaganda. Thinking it would be a threat to national history

(Fun fact)
The CIA purchased the film rights to animal farm and financed a film adaptation altering many plot points from the story, going as far to change the ending so that it would “combat the culture of communism”.

During high school I wrote my fair share of cringey anime fan fiction and surprisingly it has massed over 35,000 views and 400 likes on wattpad, which for wattpad is quite a feat. I bring this up because I didn’t know half the characters I wrote about and so it makes me happy knowing that the bit of research I did connected with someone who knows the character well.

Here is the link to that- don’t hold it against me

After high school I joined the United States Army. 8 months in the service I was honorably discharged for an Injury with my knee.

I was a barista for 4 years for a company that rhythms with barducks

Moved to El Paso with my husband and haven’t found any employment whatsoever so I attended a trade school. Still no luck but now I know how to build a house ground up and do my own electrical work.

Just recently I started making my own YouTube videos. They are just fun little projects for now but I hope to make more lengthy content in the future.

If you’re looking for a researcher for your videos please don’t be afraid to contact me. I have no life and will awnser immediately.

Thankyou for reading.
Discord- dreysefaye
Insta- dreysefaye

