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Graphic and Motion Designer with 5 years of experience

Informations privées
Graphic Design
Motion Design
Thumbnail Design


Hello! I'm Gwen. I am a Graphic and Motion Designer with a passion for the entertainment/sports industry. I have always loved art and took college-level design classes in high school, which solidified my passion for the field. I got a BFA in Graphic Design.

Throughout my career, I have gained valuable experience working in different environments, including agencies, in-house positions, and volunteering my design services for non-profit organizations. This diverse background has allowed me to cultivate a unique perspective and adaptability in their work. I pride myself on my ability to infuse storytelling elements into my designs, creating captivating visual narratives that engage audiences.

When not immersed in my design work, I indulge in a range of hobbies. I enjoy binge-watching shows, exploring the world of printmaking, and practicing martial arts. Always eager to expand my horizons, I have also taken on the challenge of learning Japanese and Chinese, demonstrating my dedication to continuous learning and cultural enrichment. With my unwavering passion for design and their adventurous spirit, I am poised to make a lasting impact in the world of graphic and motion design while embarking on thrilling journeys around the globe.