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Editor specialised in daily vlogs,managing creators account and creating postincanva

Informations privées
Content Strategy
Management & Hiring
Shorts / Reels / TikToks
Thumbnail Design
Video Editing


What makes me unique is my passion for storytelling and my ability to bring ideas to life through visual content. With my expertise in video editing, social media management, and content creation, I can provide you with a comprehensive package that goes beyond the norm.

One of my passions is editing daily vlogs, and I understand the importance of capturing and showcasing the essence of each day in an engaging and dynamic way. I can bring your vlogs to life by adding smooth transitions, captivating effects, and a polished final product that will captivate your audience. Plus, my deep interest in watching and consuming a lot of content gives me valuable insights into current trends and audience preferences.

When it comes to managing creators, I have experience in handling social media accounts, developing content strategies, and ensuring brand consistency. I understand the importance of building a strong online presence and connecting with viewers in an authentic way. By working with me, you can expect a personalized and tailored approach to your YouTube career. Let's collaborate and take your YouTube journey to new heights!