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Helping Creators to Grow and Earn Cash with High-end Video Editing.

Informations privées
Graphic Design
Motion Design
Thumbnail Design
Video Editing


Hey coaches, consultants & course sellers, Struggling to explain complex topics like Manny, the financial whiz? We turned his talks into engaging videos that boosted his views & client sign-ups!

Paula, the mindset coach, needed a spark in her motivational videos? ✨ I added dynamic cuts & emotional music that skyrocketed her engagement!

Eric, the sales tech expert, wanted demos that converted? We crafted compelling narratives & powerful CTAs that turned viewers into customers!

I help coaches, consultants & course sellers like my amazing clients captivate audiences with magnetic YouTube videos.

Ready to make your videos shine? Let's chat! ✨


  • Top 4 Signs You're NOT Ready For Tech Sales by Eric

    Il y a 8 mois • 16 vues

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    Swajon Art

    10 abonnés

    Thumbnail Design and Video Editing for Tech Sales

    En savoir plus

    Eric, the sales tech expert, wanted demos that converted? We crafted compelling narratives & powerful CTAs that turned viewers into customers!