Data Analyst with 1 year of experience/Editor with 2 years of experience
Informations privéesDescription
I have started several small YouTube channels of my own, for those channels I used photoshop for thumbnails, wrote out my own scripts, and used a plethora of different video editing software. The software that I used was Sony Vegas, Davinci Resolve, and Adobe Premiere. I am still trying to pursue my dream as a content creator, but I having been raised on YouTube. I feel like I can provide help to already established creators, I have seen trends come and go. I have seen formally top Youtubers make way for other creators. I believe that with my Data Analytics background, as well as my general knowledge of the YouTube ecosystem, I can be a great help to any creator/company.
Sit Back & Relax with Webfishing
Il y a 15 jours • 33 vues
Platinum Rezz
17 abonnés
Thumbnail, Video Editing, and Script Writing
En savoir plus
This is a video I made for my new YouTube Channel. I used Photoshop for the thumbnail, Premiere for the video editing, Audacity for the recording, and OBS to capture game footage.